Party Time
with Rachel
Hello, I (Rachel Masters) am having a graduation/ housewarming/holiday celebration. I have gotten a new house and my master’s degree and done some pretty serious holiday decorating, so if you have some time and would like to stop by, I would love to have you!
What Day?
December 14th, 2024
What Time?
2pm – 9pm (come when you can)
8130 4th Street, Wellington CO 80549
How do I RSVP?
Text or Call (970) 817-4755 with how many/rough time you plan to arrive.
This party will feature:
- Snacks: Veggies/Fruits/Chips and Dips Bar, Cookies
- Hot cocoa/tea/coffee/cider Bar with toppings and mix-ins (other standard drinks for people who don’t want this)
- Soup/Chili Bar (since it is that time of year)
- Depending on number of people/level of hunger, we can also grill hot dogs/other sausages
- Campfire and smores
- Outdoorish games (depending on weather)
- Assorted card and board games
- Video Games (Jackbox, Mario Kart)
- Christmas Music